I recently joined several young people that organize a connection \ network between all the groups in Israeli society that during this period hold protest demonstrations throughout the country and near the house of Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu.
The purpose of the protests – which are all over now – is the replacement of the corrupt government in general and the resignation of the prime minister who was indicted for bribery.
In front of the demonstrators, of course, there are counter demonstrations by supporters of the current prime minister.
Our challenge is to adapt the rules of discourse in such a challenging situation so that all voices are heard and not just one side.
That is why we invite facilitators in a variety of methods of circles and groups – open space, world cafe, socio-democracy and more – to unite as one group in order to create common guidelines and at the same time allow for different types of facilitation.
All this spontaneous organizing is voluntary and at this point we are holding zoom sessions to build the facilitators group. I brought there the four council intentions as a kind of basic agreement for a dialogue between different people with different opinions.
We are only at the beginning and we will see where this will lead – I am optimistic and see in zoom sessions many of our students from the past who are now enlisting to lead circles in their area of residence.
I see here an opportunity to assimilate the way of council as an old \ new language that will help all of us in Israel to go through these challenging time.
eran halevi
uriel council training center