Ways to Participate

There are many ways to participate in this work, this web and this growing global community of council. Please find the opportunities below and offer what you can, and also know, we invite all to also ask for what they need. Let the spirit of council come through and guide our exchanges as we each ask, “what will serve?”

What will serve our council life and work, what will serve others, what will serve the whole? Knowing that it can be one gesture, one gift, one response…

There are infinite ways we are and can be part of the circle.

And may we remember…

Council is a practice and way of life. It is not primarily a career, although it has offered many a livelihood. It is offered and shared with many worldwide as part of their work as educators, healers, consultants and leaders. For many it is a giveaway daily with no request of financial exchange. For others, funds are exchanged to support trainings, workshops, gatherings. Sometimes carriers have charged a lot from those who are interested, who can afford such, to supplement offering the work and way in schools or communities that have far fewer resources. Grants have been found for much of the work in social justice organizations, prisons and schools.

We do not share council in order to make money. We ask for what is needed to widen the circle way wherever council is wanted. There is no one formula of what that takes as each must listen to what serves. What is essential is that money never be a barrier to anyone sitting in a circle, learning the practice. We each must find the ways to ask for money when needed, to raise monies when expenses need to be covered, to create scholarships, to be transparent and truthful about what are the costs, the needs, the exchange to serve the health of and access of all. It is not a practice for any elite, for any race or any gender. It is a way for any and everyone and our offerings need to reflect that opportunity, that safety and generosity. We can support each other to find what is needed. There is plenty of money in this world, if we can join in directing and influencing its flow and share.

Join us … Please

Trainers please create an account* with us and you can:

  • Connect us with other Circle Ways
  • Share a council story.
  • Add an Event

*Please note that web site accounts require verification and approval before you can post, and it may take a few days for us to do that.

Contact Us for help with:

  • Adding your work, your organization, your path to our Directory
  • Offering additions to the resource pages – books, films, music, articles, photos, etc.
  • Helping with an event, with the web, with a council project connected to the web.
  • Finding a publisher for “The Way of Council” and/or other materials in your country

If you are not a council trainer and would like to share a story, a current affair, a circle way or need help with any of the above, please Contact Us