To Sit in Council
By Michael Magleby – Priesthood and Family Department
Bringing Greater Power to Melchizedek Priesthood and Relief Society Meetings
Before this world was created, Heavenly Father accomplished His work through councils (see Doctrine and Covenants 121:32). Beginning with Adam and Eve, God’s people have sought His counsel in councils. In fact, God referred to Himself as “Man of Counsel” (Moses 7:35). Early in this dispensation, Joseph Smith began restoring “the order of Councils in ancient days.” 1 Today, the Church is governed by councils at every level.
The General Handbook invites elders quorums and Relief Societies to bring the power of counseling into their Sunday meetings: “The meeting begins with a presidency member conducting any business. For example, the sisters [or elders] may counsel together about aspects of accomplishing the work of salvation and exaltation” (; see also The following principles can help you discover how counseling together invites revelation, increases unity, and brings power. Consider how these principles might bless you, your ward or branch, and your quorum or Relief Society.