Who Are “We”?

We are carriers of this way— educators and students, moms and dad’s, therapists and service peoples, activists and artists, wilderness and rites of passage guides, hospice workers  and  caregivers, mediators and bridge people, community builders, innovators in creating business organizations and explorers of intimate relationship—representing many generations from early childhood to elder. Partnership and collaboration with “all our relations” lies at the root and heart of council, so in that way, we are allies and an extended family. Our connections with significant loved ones are part of this, as are our mentors and colleagues, as are the lands and waters from which we come. Our circle of influences vary widely, from the elders in many traditions to the youngest of children who light the candle in the center of their council in schools.

Everything offered on this site has been reviewed by several devoted council practitioners working as a team. We are here to place the practice of council in the broad context of the past and the future. Born into a circle of life, each of us must discover their “council” roots and with that an authentic voice. In this way the circle widens and includes many from different backgrounds, professions and countries. This practice of council has grown us and grown through us now for many years now. Throughout the years, we have joined with other communities and cultures offering and remembering the circle ways. We are grateful for our partners, allies, and others with their own practices. (You will find many of them listed herein under Circle Ways and invite others to join with their information .) We share what we have learned in the spirit of living and thinking like a circle….

We hold this site as a living, growing collection of programs, trainings, stories, resources and experiences relating to the history-the peoples, places, and ways of council. We invite all those who have come to this portal to find what you need, and add your own inspiration to the body of council lore you discover. This site will be of value in proportion to how each of our contributions brings it to life, as well as what we learn from what is already embedded here. As in any council, it is a place to find and share your voice by letting us know of your work so others may be informed as well. Even Using the technology of a world-wide web, we look to provide more opportunities for each of us to be seen and heard in an intimate way. We feel that such relationships are at the root of a peaceful culture, we hopefully, are a part of co -creating.

Where we are going

We call on all who come, to guide us as council practices deepen and grow through different lands and peoples, in ways  beyond past experience and even the imagination.  We hold this site as an ongoing, timeless spiral, with roots in what was seeded long ago, and potentially stretching far into the future.